Saturday, August 20, 2011

Anna's fast a threat to Democracy

If corruption erodes Democracy, Anna’s fast equally undermines the Democratic values and institutions that behold the basic values of Democracy. He is now the voice of the middle class, who are economically stronger and uphold the rigid caste system which is dead against equality and thus against Democracy.

In a Democratic nation, legislations are passed by the Parliament as a law making body. If Anna’s fast can pressurize the Parliamentarians to accept a “Bill” which is hand crafted by him and his team, the very essence of democracy is defeated. Also the Indian middle class has vested interest in this legislation as they are the primary beneficiaries of the Government Services.

The same middle class never bothered to fight for the marginalized, deprived, caste wise subjugated Indian brotherhood. This fast is a clear cut plot to undermine our democratic institutions and to benefit the very few middle class which is a BIG market for the western powers.

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